Our Approach

HomeOur Approach


Zume IT experience obtained in IT industry allows to establish partnership relations using all possible engagement models to provide customers with a high level of transparency and full control. You can choose from a list of standard models keeping in mind the size, complexity and delivery requirements of the project. We are also happy to offer customized models according to any of your specific requirements.

Discover :

The business value proposition would accomplish the clarification of the issue statement, reach of the improvement, innovation for the consumer through the discovery stage. As it offers a clear view of the mission, project goals and target audience.

The New Rules for Marketing Your Brand

Human Centered Design :

Human-centric, evidence-based work design that sees and unties the knot among People, Process, Data and Technology to reveal hidden problems, opportunities, and solutions. Our contextual inquiry to discover the real problems – what kind of work happens & where happens by quantifiably measuring human behavior and process breaks.

There are five areas that we encourage CMOs to look at. The first is, what are my future-back platforms that will lead growth for the next 5 to 10 years? Taking today’s profit pools and forecasting them present forward just won’t capture the level of disruption that’s impacting these industries.

Deliver :

At the deliver stage the possible solutions are prototyped and tested to discover which solution will deliver the greatest benefit.


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